Clear Task Solutions

Four Tips To Help You Achieve Sustainable Construction

Sustainable green building and energy saving concept: house project solar panel and work tools on the grass top view

In the past few years, the construction industry has had to begin paying more attention to sustainability. It appears that this will become increasingly more prominent moving forward as well. Proposed Congressional legislation has emphasized sustainability, with bills such as the Green New Deal going as far as proposing the upgrade of every building in the United States to meet new energy standards. 

No matter if you’re a small business looking to leave less of a footprint or you face strict building codes in the area in which you’re working, you may find yourself moving toward more sustainable construction processes. 

Evaluate The Resources You Use 

One of the best ways to begin achieving sustainable construction is by evaluating the resources that you use. First and foremost, you should make sure that you’re using low-impact construction materials. These materials should be either recycled or repurposed. Their quality is as good as construction materials made from scratch, but they require far less energy during the manufacturing process. 

When possible, you should also look at using renewable energy sources. Alternative energy sources include: 

• Wind
• Solar
• Hydro 

Change Your Project Designs 

You can also take a look at your planning process if you’re looking to be more sustainable. When drawing blueprints, consider modular designs that minimize how many materials you use and waste. Additionally, these streamlined designs could decrease construction time. 

Not only will this cut back on energy costs and output, but it will also save your customer money as well. A decrease in construction time also increases the chances that you stay on schedule and allows you to move to the next project quickly.  

Another thing to consider when designing projects is space efficiency. Look for ways to increase space during the construction process, which could cut down on how much material you use. For instance, consider things like: 

• Open spaces and windows, which provide natural light 
• Eliminating patios and porches, which provide unnecessary surface area 
• Install folding beds or moving walls 
• Incorporate raised floor solutions for additional storage 

Reduce Waste

Any construction site is bound to have waste and natural byproducts. It’s one of the reasons you can have a dumpster put onto any job site. However, you should look for ways to minimize waste. Try to become more efficient in which materials you use or reuse. Weigh raw materials accurately so that you can better determine how much of a product you’ll need. 

Furthermore, instead of throwing everything into one large dumpster, consider sorting items by those that are trash and those that are recyclable. There may be a sustainable waste management company in your area willing to take the recyclable products. 

Promote Sustainability In Your Company 

If you would like to be more sustainable, you’ll need to set a good example. Work to promote sustainability within your company as well. Hold training sessions on why recycling and sustainability are vital. Also, consider switching to time clock software that eliminates the need for paper time sheets.