How To Efficiently Track Your Team’s Work Hours

By |2019-09-05T06:17:12-06:00March 11th, 2019|Clear Task Solutions, Construction, E-time Cards, Electronic Time Cards, Time Card Management, Time Management|

As a member of management, you should make sure that your employees are tracking their time correctly. If you’ve had trouble doing so in the past, you’re in luck. Below, we’ve detailed why this is important and the ways you can fix this problem.  Why Time Tracking Is Critical Tracking your team’s work hours is

How To Grow Your Construction Business In 2019

By |2019-09-05T06:17:12-06:00March 7th, 2019|Clear Task Solutions, Construction, Crew Management, E-time Cards, Time Card Management|

The Associated General Contractors reports that there are more than 670,000 construction employers in the United States. Unfortunately, statistics also reveal that construction companies have a higher rate of failure than those in other industries.  You may be curious about what you can do to help your small construction business stand out from the competition and

Seven Construction Management Tips To Boost Your Profits

By |2019-09-05T06:17:13-06:00March 5th, 2019|Clear Task Solutions, Construction, Crew Management, Electronic Time Cards, Time Card Management, Time Management|

Keeping your employees happy should help boost your productivity. However, this may still not be enough to keep your project on track. To make money in 2019, you’re going to need to invest in yourself, your small business, and your employees. Implementing these seven strategies and tips can help boost your profits.  1. Use Subcontractors

Five Ways To Manage Your Construction Team

By |2019-09-05T06:17:13-06:00February 27th, 2019|Clear Task Solutions, Construction, Crew Management, E-time Cards, Electronic Time Cards, Time Card Management|

If you have any experience working on a construction site, you are likely well aware of how challenging it can be to manage your team. On any given project, there could be just ten laborers, or even dozens or hundreds. Deadlines are of the utmost importance, as falling behind schedule could drive up costs considerably.

Are You Part of the 60% with This Communication Issue?

By |2019-09-05T06:17:13-06:00November 9th, 2018|Clear Task Solutions, Construction, Crew Management, Dispatch Software, Excavation, Materials Management, Money Management, Paperless Instructions, Services Industry, Software, Technology Development, Time Management|

After completing a survey we conducted in October, we discovered that 60% of all companies managing work site crews reported that there is a problem with jobs not being recorded correctly, resulting in a loss of revenue. Crews were being dispatched to work sites, with instruction for what needed to be completed for the day.

Matt Manero’s Affordable Advice to Get Ahead of the Competition

By |2019-09-05T06:17:13-06:00November 6th, 2018|Clear Task Solutions, Construction, Crew Management, Dispatch Software, Dispatching, E-time Cards, Electronic Time Cards, Materials Management, Money Management, Paperless Instructions, Time Card Management, Time Management| Matt Manero dedicated a podcast to mentoring Dan Poulsen, Founder of Clear Task Solutions. In this episode they discuss Dan's lifelong connection to the services, excavation, and construction industries. Because of Dan's own personal experiences, he has developed new software technology to help in many areas he found to be frustrating. Watch the video,

You’ll Never Look at Dispatching Employees the Same Way Again

By |2019-09-05T06:17:13-06:00October 15th, 2018|Clear Task Solutions, Construction, Crew Management, Dispatch Software, Dispatching, Materials Management, Paperless Instructions, Time Management|

Here at Clear Task Solutions we understand what is involved in dispatching instructions to field workers. Trying to keep the paperwork organized, and hoping it's legible enough to keep everyone on task, can be stressful. Phone calls take up precious hours of work time, and emails and text messages are easily missed, or even accidentally deleted.

Get the Most out of Your Electronic Time Cards

By |2019-09-05T06:17:13-06:00October 12th, 2018|Clear Task Solutions, Construction, E-time Cards, Electronic Time Cards, Money Management, Time Card Management, Time Management|

Because of our experience in the industry we’ve developed a great way to track and manage our payroll without the hassle of paperwork, and all the time spent on crunching numbers. Electronic time cards are a great way to avoid all of that, and our app is specifically designed for this line of work. We